
Showing posts from July, 2016

The Never-Ending ORM debate and why its a waste of everybodys time

Whether you are in a startup, an established company or just tinkering around, you've probably come across the same question: "How do I get data from my database?"  Theres always the "hand-rolled" option, but, once again, I will have to reach into my bag of Eddie-isms and pull out: If you want to make an apple pie you can always grab a shovel, a handful of seeds and a big warm pile of horse$@#$ and do it all yourself. Or, you could just go to the store and grab a bunch of apples and start from there. Well, now that that is out of the way, lets assume we don't want to waste our time reinventing the wheel and go with an ORM that gets us past the repetitive cruft of getting the data and mapping it manually. Lets follow the process I outlined in my previous blog ( The Magic Formula to choosing the right piece of software ) and see where the lines take us. OK, I'm a .NET guy, so that limits our scope to a few products. Lets list out the most popular: